2024: Den dyriske time, podcast special om landbrugshistorie med Alexander Holm. https://linktr.ee/DenDyriskeTime
2024: "Alle mener noget om moderne landbrug. Men hvad mener Danmarks største landbrugsmuseum?", interview i Politiken https://politiken.dk/kultur/art9840513/Alle-mener-noget-om-landbruget.-Men-hvad-mener-Danmarks-st%C3%B8rste-landbrugsmuseum
2024: "Tilbage til naturen", interview i Weekendavisen https://www.weekendavisen.dk/2024-8/kultur/tilbage-til-naturen
2024: "Det europæiske bondeoprør", DR Deadline 06.02.2024
2018: Podcast om idéhistoriske læsninger af Donald Trump, Baggrund http://baggrund.com/uhort-3-den-alvorlige-polsehans-karl-marx-laeser-trump/
2018: Interview om Karl Marx’ relevans i anledning af hans fødselsdag, P1 Kulturen.
2014: Interview om studenterbevægelsen Et Andet Universitet, Aarhus Stiftstidende https://stiften.dk/aarhus/Derfor-ringede-rektor-til-politiet/artikel/232527
2014: Interview om studenterbevægelsen Et Andet Universitet, B.T. https://www.bt.dk/danmark/studerende-traek-sigtelserne-mod-demonstranter-tilbage
2014: Interview om studenterbevægelsen Et Andet Universitet, DR https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/politiet-sigter-19-studerende-blokere-aarhus-universitet
2014: Interview om studenterbevægelsen Et Andet Universitet, Dagbladet Arbejderen https://arbejderen.dk/indland/studerende-optrapper-protester-p%C3%A5-aarhus-universitet
2014: Interview om studenterbevægelsen Et Andet Universitet, TV2 østjylland https://www.tv2ostjylland.dk/artikel/studerende-protesterer
2023: 'Behind the scenes', free magazine tours for guests in relation to Golden Days.
2023: 'From Flintaxes to Factory Farms: A history of Danish agriculture', exhibition tour for the Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University.
2023: 'Grains of Gold', exhibition tour in relation to the PhD course 'Ecologies of eating: Landscapes, agriculture, and food', Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University
2020: ‘The Rise and Fall of Manors and Estates’, digital tour on Gammel Estrup – The Danish Manor and Estate Museum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8UAp0iIMlA
2021: Udfordringer og dilemmaer på vejen mod Nordisk Socialisme: Samtale mellem Pelle Dragsted og Esben Bøgh Sørensen om strategi, udfordringer og dilemmaer på vejen væk fra kapitalismen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDLgc6k0xRo
2021: Book launch: ‘Don’t Panic – Analysis and Strategy on Right-Wing Populism’, organized by Democracy in Europe Organisation and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IvE153v2Qo
2021: ‘Strategies for advancement outside of the biggest cities’, Nordic Green Left Alliance debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuEqzFGuCLA
2020: ‘What could a strong, proactive, and forward-looking strategy for the left look like today?’, Online Impact Workshop on ‘Strategies and case studies on right-wing populism’ organized by Democracy in Europe Organisation and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
2020: ’What is class?’, Socialist Night School, Aarhus
2020: ’What is capitalism?’, Socialist Night School, Aarhus
2020: ’What is capitalism?’, Red-Green Youth
2019: ’Karl Marx: Politics and Economy’, lecture, Danish Public University.
2018: Podcast on intellectual history readings of Donald Trump, Baggrund http://baggrund.com/uhort-3-den-alvorlige-polsehans-karl-marx-laeser-trump/
2018: Interview on Karl Marx on the occasion of his birthday, P1 Kulturen.
2018: ’Marxism and the Politics of Identity’, lecture, Red-Green Alliance.
2018: ’The Commercialisation of Education’, lecture, Red-Green Alliance.
2018: ‘Work as improvement: agrarian capitalism and ideology in early modern england’, lecture, Study Weekend for the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas, Himmerlandsgården, Hadsund.
2018: ’Karl Marx: Capitalism and Democracy’, lecture, Red-Green Alliance.
2017: ‘Social democracy as a mass movement’, lecture, School of Culture and Society, Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas, Aarhus University.
2016: ‘The naturalness of capitalism: Early modern England and capitalism as a natural order’, lecture, Study Weekend for the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas, Himmerlandsgården, Hadsund.
2016: ‘The History of the Idea of Work’, lecture for the Alumnus and Graduate Society for the History of Ideas, Aarhus University
2015: ’Karl Marx’ Capital’’, lecture, School of Culture and Society, Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas, Aarhus University.
2015: ’Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt’, lecture, Danish Public University.