Esben Bøgh Sørensen is a historian and curator at The Green Museum - The Danish Museum for Agriculture, Food, Hunting, and Forestry. He specializes in agrarian history and heads the Museum’s collections of objects. He has a PhD degree in the History of Ideas from Aarhus University, and has conducted research on early modern and modern English and Danish agricultural history. He is a board member of the Danish Society for Marxist Studies, a board member of the Danish Society for Agrarian History and editor of the Danish Journal of Agrarian History. He regularly writes about history, theory, and politics in international and Danish journals and magazines, and participates in public debates. He plays the harmonica, banjo, and mandolin in his spare time.
2025: Andelsbevægelsens Natur. 100 Danmarkshistorier, Aarhus Universitetsforlag
2024: "Being strong together: Cooperative Farmer Organizing in Scandinavia" in Associative Governance in Scandinavia: Organizing Societies by "Combining Together", Routledge
2023: "From Thrift to Improvement: Reimagining Agrarian Management in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England", Agricultural History, vol. 27, issue 4
2022: "Den omvendte Fukuyama: Kapitallogik og historie" in Tankens glæde - efterskrift til Hans-Jørgen Schanz, forlaget Klim
2021: ”To be Bold of One’s Own: Agrarian Capitalism and Household Management in Thomas Tusser’s Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry”, Cultural and Social History, vol. 18, issue 2,
2021: "The Ecology of Agrarian Capitalism in Early Modern England", Climate, Crisis, Capital: Sixth Annual Conference of the Danish Society for Marxist Studies
2018: ”Arbejde som improvement: landbrug, husholdning og kapitalisme I 1500- og 1600-tallets England” (Work as Improvement: Agricultural, household, and capitalism in the 16th and 17th centuries England), Slagmark – Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie (The Danish Journal for Intellectual History), vol. 76
2018: "Redaktionelt forord" (preface), Slagmark – Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie (The Danish Journal for Intellectual History), vol. 76
2016: ”Nye fortolkninger af Kritikken af den politiske økonomi – værdiformsteorierne” in Arbejderhistorie – Tidsskrift for Historie, Kultur og Politik, vol 2016/2
2024: "Greenwashing Denmark's Big Farmers", Jacobin Magazine
2024: Den dyriske time, podcast special om landbrugshistorie med Alexander Holm.
2024: "Der er ikke meget nybrud over den grønne trepart", Politiken
2024: "Alle mener noget om moderne landbrug. Men hvad mener Danmarks største landbrugsmuseum?", interview i Politiken
2024: "Tilbage til naturen", interview i Weekendavisen
2024: "Det europæiske bondeoprør", DR Deadline 06.02.2024
2023: "Hvis livet skal tilbage i vandet, skal livet tilbage på landet", feature article in Politikenødelægger-både-landmændenes-liv-og-vores-alle-sammens-havmiljø
2023: "Klodens økokrise skyldes afmagt over for kapitalismen", Dagbladet Information,
2022: "Alle elsker andelsbevægelsen, men få fortæller hele sandheden om den", feature article in Dagbladet Information